Yorkiehouse Studs

" Marshal " Viscount Best Boy
AKC Marshal is our new male imported from Russia. He has a nice baby doll face with a beautiful thick coat.
Weight 6 lb.s
Marshals sires pedigree is linked below.

Darth "Vader" of Yokiehouse
AKC Vader is our new Kb Black boy that carries Black, Chocolate and Parti Chocolate.
Weight 4.5 lb.s

Sir"Lance"a lot
AKC Lance is a bred by Yorkiehouse.
Weight 2.14 lb.s
He is out of my Ukrainian girl, Viktoria.

Arrow Of Yorkiehhouse
AKC Arrow has deep rich color.
Weight 4 lb.s

Prince Henry Of Yorkiehouse
AKC Henry is a Tradional that carries Chocolate with thick soft plush coat. Weight is 4.5 lb,'s

Caspian Of Yorkiehouse
AKC Caspian is a Parti color with a soft white coat. Weight is 4.5 lb,'s